Thứ Ba, 17 tháng 7, 2018

Why Birds Nest Soup is Good for Growing Kids

Why Birds Nest Soup is Good for Growing Kids
Why Birds Nest Soup is Good for Growing Kids

Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) research, Birds Nest Soup is said to give various benefits, including to children, baby, and kids. What exactly the benefits that Birds Nest Soup has for kids or children?

Containing Amino Acids for Brain Cells

Birds Nest Soup contains 57% of natural and high quality protein suitable for youths, in this case amino acids, which require 3 hours for renewal, so we have to absorb it from the food regularly. As we know, protein has a very important role for stimulation and inhibition of the brain and nervous system, and it also serves as an important nutrients for brain cells to improve its efficiencly, particularly in growing children. Protein can take up tp 35% of the weight of the brains, which the rest of the brains is actually fats.
This acts of improving brain power is very useful for children as essential nutritional supplement for children who have just embarked on learning, such as when facing examinations or learning new skills. It also helps children to learn faster by boosting their concentration and focus level.

Helping Children with Asthma

As documented in Chinese medication literature Ben Cao Gang Mu, Birds Nest Soup can promoted regeneration of internal organs and brain cells, including as the treatment for asthma, as it nourishes the lungs and reduces lung lesions.

Other Benefits

Besides, Birds Nest Soup is also known to have other numerous benefits, such as:
- Good nutrition to increase body’s immunity and resistance, so children are less susceptible to colds or flu,
- Increase appetite since it improves digestion and absorption of nutrients,
- Contain water soluble proteins so it can be absorbed easily by the body,
- Contain other minerals, such as iron and calcium, which are required to build strong bones and teeth, particularly in growing children,
- Improve respiratory system in children and adults.

Easily Consumed

Birds Nest Soup can be consumed and presented in many manners, including mixed with the rice porridge or dissolve in milk. It can be also be served as a warm soup, or a cold desserts. Thera are many ways to serve Birds Nest Soup for dishes for baby, kids, or children.
Please note that Birds Nest Soup is totally safe to be consumed by children 6 months old and up. For 100 gram portion of Birds Nest Soup is placed as 345 kilocalories energy value

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