Thứ Ba, 17 tháng 7, 2018

Should You Try Consuming Birds Nest Soup?

Should You Try Consuming Birds Nest Soup?
Should You Try Consuming Birds Nest Soup?

No, the nest discussed in this article is not the kind that’s out of twigs and dried leaves. Rather, it’s a delicacy that is very popular in China and various other parts of Asia. While it’s true that the Birds Nest Soup being talked about is in fact the dwelling of a bird, it’s something that is made from a shocking material. Read on to find out what!
Bird saliva — this is the material from which the edible kind of Birds Nest Soup is made. There is only one type of bird that is capable of coming up with such a unique home, and it is a kind of swallow called swiftlet.
Unlike any other bird that creates its nest on tree branches, a swiftlet chooses to whip up its residence on flat surfaces such as the walls of caves and cliffs. For such task, it’s virtually impossible for the said bird to create a nest out of twigs and dried leaves that it can gather. So what a swiftlet does is use its very own saliva.
When exposed to air, the saliva of a swiftlet hardens and turns white. It sticks very well onto surfaces, allowing it to create a home where no other bird dare build one.
This results in a truly unique-looking nest that is white and gummy. But making it even more unlike a typical Birds Nest Soup is this: it’s actually fit for human consumption. So much so that it is regarded as a delicacy in many places!

In China, there is a kind of soup that doesn’t come cheap, and it’s called Birds Nest Soup. And you guessed it right — the main ingredient is the edible nest created by a swiftlet using its own saliva. It is said that a small serving of this incredibly unique yet highly revered soup could cost hundreds of dollars!
Is this soup delectable even if it contains the dried saliva of a tiny flying creature? The truth is Birds Nest Soup doesn’t have a taste. In order for the soup that it is turned into palatable, the ones who cook them have to use seasonings.

So why does a tasteless ingredient make for a super expensive soup?

One of the reasons for the very steep cost of Birds Nest Soup is the fact that harvesting Birds Nest Soup is not an easy job. As mentioned earlier, a swiftlet prefers to make its nest on the walls of cliffs and caves, and this can easily endanger the lives of those who are gathering its masterpiece of a house.
The high demand for Birds Nest Soup is another reason why a bowl of Birds Nest Soup could cost a fortune. You see, in China and other parts of Asia, the edible nest created by a swiftlet is revered for its medicinal properties. It’s because of this why there is very high demand for it — the higher the demand, the steeper the price tag.
Are you eager to try an exotic treat and, more importantly, are you willing to shell out a huge sum of cash just for you to experience enjoying a serving of Birds Nest Soup? It’s completely up to you to decide!
Proponents of the consumption of Birds Nest Soup say that they get to enjoy the following perks:

Boosted immune system

Many of those who regard Birds Nest Soup highly say that they enjoy lowered risk of infections such as the flu and common cold.

Strengthened muscles

It is said that Birds Nest Soup contains protein that is very accessible to the body, making Birds Nest Soup superb at building and strengthening muscles.

Improved stamina

Birds Nest Soup is thought to contain small amounts of hormones, and that’s why those who eat Birds Nest Soup say that they get to enjoy superb staying power.
If you have already tried having a bowl of Birds Nest Soup, feel free to share your experience with it in the comments section below!

What Is Birds Nest Soup?

What Is Birds Nest Soup?
What Is Birds Nest Soup?

Birds Nest Soup is a type of Chinese food that is purported to have numerous healing qualities. For the last 400 years, it has been thought to be one of the world’s most expensive foods. And when you hear what it’s made from, you might double take…

What it’s Made From

Birds Nest Soup is essentially made from spit.
Yes, the name is accurate. This soup is indeed made from Birds Nest Soups. But rather than being the product of leaves, twigs and egg shell, it is made from the saliva of certain species of swallow. The birds line these nests with their saliva and regurgitated seaweed which forms into a hard outer layer. The whiter varieties are generally thought to be better and they come in small, biscuit-like pieces. The idea is that they can be boiled in hot water or a pre-existing soup in order to give it texture. Reportedly, the taste is not something to write home about…
And just how much is this hardened spit and bile? It can cost you anywhere up to $4,500. So these health benefits better be pretty darn extraordinary…

Health Benefits

On the plus side, Birds Nest Soup is now also being added to a range of other foods and drinks, as well as various cosmetic products. In these formats, you can enjoy some of the benefits for a slightly less inhibitory cost.
So what are they supposed to do for you?
Among other things, they are thought to be aphrodisiacs (you can buy them in the shape of hearts), anti-carcinogens and youth promoters.
Unfortunately, there is zero evidence to support any of this. The polite way of saying that is ‘the healing qualities of Birds Nest Soup are still a mystery’.
What we can do is take a look at the constituent parts. On the plus side, they do contain hormones including testosterone and estradiol according to some researchers. This would likely back up claims regarding the effects on libido, although whether these are present in the right quantities remains to be seen.
Otherwise, the nests are a complete source of essential amino acids (so are eggs) and provide some carbohydrates and lipids (fats).
Unfortunately though, a lot of people are also deathly allergic to them. They are known to cause anaphylaxis in a lot of people and seeing as you’ve probably never had the opportunity to try one before, you won’t know until you’re struggling to breathe. That’s a very expensive trip to the hospital!
In conclusion, this is a fascinating piece of culinary culture but not something you need to be seeking out…

4 Benefits Of Birds Nest Soup

Birds Nest Soup is a famous and rather costly medicinal food that originated in China.
A short background about this soup: Birds Nest Soup is made out of bird saliva. Constructed by the male swiftlet in preparation for his wife to lay eggs, the nest is made almost entirely out of his saliva, which has dried and hardened. Yup, you’re actually drinking a bowl of spit from swiftlet.
Birds Nest Soup can be expensive where it could start from hundreds and reaches to thousands per bowl. So what makes this Birds Nest Soup so popular? Why would people consume a bowl of mild and flavourless soup?
4 Benefits Of Birds Nest Soup
4 Benefits Of Birds Nest Soup

Improvement of skin texture

Birds Nest Soup is rich in collagen, protein and vitamins. It is said that Birds Nest Soup offers a number of beauty benefits such as the rejuvenation of epidermal cells to improve the elasticity and complexion of the skin.

Maintaining young and youthful skin

Some Birds Nest Soup beauty products also contain hyaluronic acid which aids in smoothening wrinkles and promotes skin hydration. Additionally, threonine found in Birds Nest Soup supports collagen and elastin formation, two substances that are essential in anti-aging and wrinkle prevention.

Easy digestibility and health rejuvenation

Birds Nest Soup can be used to improve digestion and stimulate bowel movement. Birds Nest Soup can be easily digested by our digestive system, thus sending good nutrients and thereby bringing back health to those who are weak.

Helps boost immune system

Regular consumption of Birds Nest Soup helps prevent colds and flus. It helps to boost the body’s immune system and increase resistance to external environment factors and to aid recovery from chronic illnesses.

What Is Birds Nest Soup?

Birds Nest Soup is a type of Chinese food that is purported to have numerous healing qualities. For the last 400 years, it has been thought to be one of the world’s most expensive foods. And when you hear what it’s made from, you might double take…

What it’s Made From

Birds Nest Soup is essentially made from spit.
Yes, the name is accurate. This soup is indeed made from Birds Nest Soups. But rather than being the product of leaves, twigs and egg shell, it is made from the saliva of certain species of swallow. The birds line these nests with their saliva and regurgitated seaweed which forms into a hard outer layer. The whiter varieties are generally thought to be better and they come in small, biscuit-like pieces. The idea is that they can be boiled in hot water or a pre-existing soup in order to give it texture. Reportedly, the taste is not something to write home about…
And just how much is this hardened spit and bile? It can cost you anywhere up to $4,500. So these health benefits better be pretty darn extraordinary…

Health Benefits

On the plus side, Birds Nest Soup is now also being added to a range of other foods and drinks, as well as various cosmetic products. In these formats, you can enjoy some of the benefits for a slightly less inhibitory cost.
So what are they supposed to do for you?
Among other things, they are thought to be aphrodisiacs (you can buy them in the shape of hearts), anti-carcinogens and youth promoters.
Unfortunately, there is zero evidence to support any of this. The polite way of saying that is ‘the healing qualities of Birds Nest Soup are still a mystery’.
What we can do is take a look at the constituent parts. On the plus side, they do contain hormones including testosterone and estradiol according to some researchers. This would likely back up claims regarding the effects on libido, although whether these are present in the right quantities remains to be seen.
Otherwise, the nests are a complete source of essential amino acids (so are eggs) and provide some carbohydrates and lipids (fats).
Unfortunately though, a lot of people are also deathly allergic to them. They are known to cause anaphylaxis in a lot of people and seeing as you’ve probably never had the opportunity to try one before, you won’t know until you’re struggling to breathe. That’s a very expensive trip to the hospital!
In conclusion, this is a fascinating piece of culinary culture but not something you need to be seeking out…

9 Scientific Health Benefits of Birds Nest Soup

The saliva of swallow bird, more popularly to be called as Birds Nest Soup, is one of the very powerful yet expensive herbal products. The Birds Nest Soup has small size of 11 cm with only 16 grams weight. When it goes mature, they can have up to 18 cm height and 32 grams of weight. The bird tail has a unique character with short size and end elongated like a scissor. The swallow bird will build its nest from the saliva mostly deep inside the caves and remained building. The bird has black and gray varied of feathers with specific voice tone. Many people have developed and benefitted the Birds Nest Soup business by building particular nest for the swallow.
Birds Nest Soup Production
Swallow, of which the producer of Birds Nest Soup, mostly found out in China, India, North America, Europe, and some parts of Est South Asia. They build the wild nest on the top of the tress, caves and buildings. However, only the Birds Nest Soup built in the caves and on the buildings can be used as the herb mixed. The swallows’ saliva forms like net which contains saliva lamina and it is produced by saliva gland behind the lower tongue. The fresh saliva is liquid before it gets frozen by the air. The drier saliva will cost more expensive.
Birds Nest Soup Nutrient and Why Is It Consumed
China is the pioneer country which firstly consume Birds Nest Soup. It did when the Yuan dynasty time back then who took the Birds Nest Soups from Borneo and brought it to their country to be processed into Birds Nest Soup. At that time, only rich upper class society may consume the Birds Nest Soup. Here are several reasons and health benefits of Birds Nest Soup to be consumed by human:
  • One of the powerful herbs to neutralize the poisons over the body
  • Source of food nutrient to maintain the skin health
  • One of the best medicines to help the new cells growth which are more active in the body
  • Balance the energy and increase the immunity
  • Health the lung and make live longer
The research done on Birds Nest Soup found that it has multiple nutrients. They are protein, carbo, water, organic chemical, fat, ovotransferrin protein, amino acid, leusine, phosphorus, potassium, natrium, and serine. It also has a very useful nutrient of cell division inducing hormone and epidermal growth factor which influence the differentiation and regeneration of the cells.
9 Scientific Health Benefits of Birds Nest Soup
9 Scientific Health Benefits of Birds Nest Soup

The research done in China revealed that the Birds Nest Soup has multiple benefits for the human body. Since the very first time it was utilized as herb medicine, the knowledge of health benefits of Birds Nest Soup keep spreading out over the globe. Here are several health benefits of Birds Nest Soup which you need to know.
  1. Curing Cough
If you are often suffering from cough, either dry or phlegm, you can start considering drinking Birds Nest Soup herb as the most powerful yet useful method to cure cough. Having bad cough means your lungs are lack of oxygen and air which then trigger the inflammation and produce phlegm. You can drink the Birds Nest Soup with additional sugar or honey or simply steam your face on the warm smoky boiled Birds Nest Soup to open the breath organs.
  1. Maintaining Healthy Skin
Birds Nest Soup can also be used to maintain the skin health and solve multiple skin problems such as aging and wrinkle. Specifically for the women, Birds Nest Soup will stimulate the skin face to regularly regenerate and rejuvenate so that the skin will look much healthier, fresher, and more moisture. You may drink the boiled Birds Nest Soup or sweep along the skin as a mask. Do regularly for maximum result.
  1. Lungs Sickness Treatment
Various diseases related to lungs health can be cured by consuming boiled or steamed water of Birds Nest Soup. Some of the sicknesses are cough, TBC, asthma, and swallowing disorder. Surprisingly, the Birds Nest Soup may also cure and prevent hiccup when you have the disorder. Simply drink the boiled or steamed water of Birds Nest Soup when the sickness comes.
  1. Blood Vein Injures Healing
Blood vein failure may be caused by bad eating style such as consuming too much fat. The cholesterol stacking along the blood vein can easily damage the blood vein because it will make stiffening and tightening of the artery to the heart. Consuming Birds Nest Soup is believed to reduce the cholesterol level inside the blood vein so that the artery will be repaired and prevent the blood vein stiffening.
  1. Improving Appetite
The exhausted body after working or suffering from sick usually will cause the decline of appetite. The decline of appetite will result a fragile body of easily get suffered from sick. To prevent the situation, it is strongly recommend consuming 12 grams of Birds Nest Soup mixed with milk or beef bones broth once in a day. The multiple minerals inside the Birds Nest Soup will help the increase of appetite.
  1. Anti-Oxide Source
The Birds Nest Soup can also function as an agent of natural anti-oxide which overcoming the free radical attack from around us. The free radicals which attack the body can trigger the cells destruction, cancer, and early aging particularly if you don’t maintain the skin health as early as possible. Consuming nest bird will provide your body cells with amount of ant-oxide which is extremely powerful to resist of the sickness attack.
  1. Mineral Source for Body Immune
Another health benefits of Birds Nest Soup is being the complete source of mineral such as potassium, natrium, calcium and others. The function of each mineral is very important for the body to form the natural immune system and able to against the disease. The mineral also aid to fasten the recovery after getting sick for any kind of sickness.
  1. Hydrated and Tight Skin
Consuming Birds Nest Soup continuously will impact such great result for the skin moisture due to its multiple compounds of minerals and vitamins which support the regenerate of dead skin cells. Moreover, the sialat amino acid inside the Birds Nest Soup stimulate the skin to be tighter and keep hydrating in order to look fresh and free of dried. Consuming or applying on to the skin will give the same effect tough.
  1. Pregnancy Support
Since decades ago in China, pregnant mother has been strongly recommended to consume Birds Nest Soup regularly. The health benefits of Birds Nest Soup for pregnant mother is to maintain the health and body immunity system, particularly for the pregnant mother who just enters the first trimester. Even, by consuming Birds Nest Soup regularly will contribute significant impact for the baby. The baby will have such healthy body and skin and the mother will also have elastic skin.
Tips to Consume Birds Nest Soup
Consuming Birds Nest Soup as the regulation will boost its benefit. In order to get the maximum benefit of Birds Nest Soup, you are advised to drink it once in a week; meanwhile, if your purpose is to recover after sickness, you can consume it every morning. These are the steps how to consume Birds Nest Soup:
  1. Choose the Birds Nest Soup which has clean white color, then soak it into water for about 2 hours, then let it cold for the next 4 hours. Reply the soak for about 12 hours and let the Birds Nest Soup inflates.
  2. Cleanse the Birds Nest Soup under the flowing water while cut it into slices.
  3. Put into the boiling hot water
  4. Insert into the pan to cook Birds Nest Soup into the bigger pan and insert the water until the Birds Nest Soup inundated.
  5. If you don’t like the original taste of the Birds Nest Soup, you may add honey or natural sugar.
  6. Drink the Birds Nest Soup regularly as needed and every consumption should be not more than 1 cup of glass.
  7. Do not ever consume Birds Nest Soup which has already turned into yellow or black since it indicated the poisoning mushroom.
  8. Do not boil the Birds Nest Soup in more than 100 centigrade temperature because it may corrupt the natural compound of Birds Nest Soup.
The Birds Nest Soup can be a powerful medicine to cure various kinds of diseases and also fasten the recovery after getting sick. However, avoid to not buy the false Birds Nest Soup which can be closely alike with the original Birds Nest Soup. To sum up, there are many health benefits of Birds Nest Soup.

12 Nutritious Health Benefits of Sea Birds Nest Soup for Skin And Body

12 Nutritious Health Benefits of Sea Birds Nest Soup for Skin And Body
12 Nutritious Health Benefits of Sea Birds Nest Soup for Skin And Body

Many people familiar with the health benefits of sea Birds Nest Soup. It is a superfood that quite rare and difficult to get. Therefore, no wonder if the price is now quite expensive and the stock is rarely find. However, it was time that sea Birds Nest Soup is quite easy to get. Even it was culture to get enough sea Birds Nest Soup and deal with the demand on it.
Collecting sea Birds Nest Soup might be difficult in open wild nature. Therefore, people do this by culture the sea bird inside the empty house next to the sea. It is easier collecting the nest inside the house compare to take the natural nest which normally located in the sea cove.
Ancient China has use the sea Birds Nest Soup not only for food but also for various health treatment. As the nest comes from the sea bird saliva and arrange into a nest for them, therefore, it contain rich nutrients. Furthermore, it has been found that the sea bird saliva also good to treat several medical illness.

Nutrient Content of Sea Birds Nest Soup

Until to day, not many information that confirm the nutrient content of the sea Birds Nest Soup. It is only found that the nest rich with various vitamins and minerals that good for healing. This make the sea Birds Nest Soup as one of the common natural treatment. For further health benefits of sea Birds Nest Soup, see below points:

1. Source Of Collagen

The sea Birds Nest Soup is famous contain high number of collagen that good for the skin. Therefore, it can be one of the natural source of collagen that will help to renew the skin and younger appearance. This is the same health benefits of collagen drink that can help as the source of collagen too.

2. Anti Aging

As the nest rich in collagen, it is a good anti aging too. Therefore, it can help to avoid the early aging symptoms such as experience wrinkles and finelines. Furthermore, it can help to provide a better younger look and skin too.

3. High Fiber

The sea Birds Nest Soup also known very rich in fiber. Therefore, it can be a natural source to bring the necessity of fiber inside the body metabolism. This is the same health benefits of black quinoa that can help to provide the high number of fiber too.

4. Fasten Digest

As the sea bird rich in fiber, it can help to perform better digest system. It will help to improve intestinal bowel movement and will lead to fasten digest. Furthermore, it can help to optimize the body metabolic system too. It will lead into fasten nutrient absorption and lead in avoid fat forming in the body.

5. Avoid Anemia

The health benefits of sea Birds Nest Soup including to contain high number of iron and magnesium. Therefore, it can be a natural way to treat anemia. Furthermore, it will help to stimulate the formation of red blood cell and provide enough needs of red blood cell number inside the blood circulation. It will help to deal with anemia symptoms such as nausea and darkness. This is the same benefits of guava for anemia that can help to avoid anemia too.

6. Improve Brain

The sea Birds Nest Soup also known rich in protein. Therefore, it is also a good way to improve the brain function. Furthermore, it will lead to improve memory and help to avoid the possibility of experience dementia.

7. Avoid Sickness

As the nest rich in vitamins, it can bring a natural function to avoid body sickness too. Furthermore, it will help to avoid bacteria or virus infection. Therefore, it can help to avoid illness. This is the same health benefits chicken soup when sick that can help to avoid sickness too.

8. Improve Immunity

Consume the sea Birds Nest Soup also good to improve the body wellness and immunity. It will help to keep a body strength. Therefore, it will lead to avoid any possibility of illness and improve a strength body too.

9. Sore Throat

Another benefit of consume sea Birds Nest Soup including to deal with the sore throat. It will help to avoid the inflammation and can help to reduce the pain during sore throat. Furthermore, it will reduce the redness throat during the sickness. This is the same health benefits of throat coat tea that will help to reduce sore throat too.

10. Healthy Skin

The vitamin E inside the nest can help to improve a healthy skin condition. It will help bring smooth and silky skin and keep the moisture of the skin surface. Furthermore, it will avoid the possibility of having skin infection such as acne or eczema.

11. Blood Circulation

The nest also good to maintain the blood circulation. Therefore, it can help to manage a healthy cardiovascular system and help to avoid the formation of the blood cod. Furthermore, it will bring a better blood arteries circulation too.

12. Avoid Stomach Ache

Consume the sea Birds Nest Soup will help to avoid various symptoms of stomach ache. Therefore, it can be a good way to manage constipation and to avoid the possibility of diarrhea due to food poisoning. Furthermore, it can help to reduce heartburn and any similar stomach problems.

Cautions And Recommendations

Even there are many advantages consume the sea Birds Nest Soup, there are several cautions that needs to notice too. Therefore, it is better to see below recommendation before decide to consume or use it in medical treatment:
People with allergically conditions shall avoid consume the sea Birds Nest Soup if having the allergically symptoms such as itchiness, redness skin, nausea or even dizziness.
People under some medical treatment shall consult the use of this ingredients with the medical practitioner to avoid several unwanted side effects and interfere the medical medicine.
Pregnant woman shall ask the care giver before decide to consume the Birds Nest Soup to avoid side effects with the fetus.
Those all the health benefits of sea Birds Nest Soup that good for the body mainly digestive and skin. However, make sure to understand the side effects first before consume it. Therefore, the sea Birds Nest Soup can bring optimum benefit for the body. Furthermore, it will not lead to unwanted side effects.

Health Benefits of Edible Swallow / Swiftlet Birds Nest Soup

For a lot of people, the only thing they seek from these nests is the taste, and it certainly is one of the finest delicacies in China and the world. It is the food of the ancient Chinese dynasties and today it is much sought after around the world. But aside from that, these nests provide several health benefits.
Why is Birds Nest Soup Good for Your Health?
There are a lot of health benefits to be derived here, but to keep it simple, regular consumption of these nests will enhance your general well-being. A bowl of Birds Nest Soup is rich in glycoprotein, acts as an energizer and is rich in growth factors, all of which contribute to a stronger immune system.
Some of the better known benefits of Birds Nest Soup are smoothing the skin, enhancing your youthful appearance and complexion. Scientific studies have also shown that Birds Nest Soup contains epidermal growth factor, or EGF. EGF is one of the substances that promote smooth, clear skin and repairs tissues.
Health Benefits of Edible Swallow / Swiftlet Birds Nest Soup
Health Benefits of Edible Swallow / Swiftlet Birds Nest Soup

Other benefits include the following:
  • Taking Birds Nest Soup in moderate amounts allows your body to take advantage of its nutrients and proteins, and this helps you recover from ailments while fortifying your immune system.
  • There is evidence Birds Nest Soup provides relief for respiratory conditions like chronic cough and asthma.
  • Since it improves your general wellbeing, the elderly may use this to improve their health. Since ancient times this has been used as a medicine for fatigue, dry cough and phlegm, common ailments that afflict the elderly.
  • Birds Nest Soup can also be used to increase appetite, relieve constipation and improve digestion.
  • Birds Nest Soup health benefits are not just good for adults but children as well. Children who eat Birds Nest Soup will receive all of its nutrients.
Blood nest are rich in minerals, amino acids, proteins and other nutrients which promote better health. There is also evidence that Birds Nest Soup prevents flu and cold. At the same time it will also enhance the function of your kidneys and lungs, and the boost your immune system receives make you more resistant to ailments brought about the environment.
Delicious and Nutritious for Pregnant Women
We have spoken at length of its many health benefits, but there are many other reasons to take them. For instance, there is reason to believe that pregnant women will benefit from Birds Nest Soup as it is full of nutrients they –and their unborn children- need. Eating Birds Nest Soup is particularly beneficial for women when they take it during the pre-natal period.
Consuming the soup during pregnancy strengthens their body, and this will also lead to faster recovery following childbirth. According to those who have eaten Birds Nest Soup during pregnancy, they were able to sleep better, felt stronger and didn’t experience any hair loss.
Beneficial for Everyone
Blood Birds Nest Soup is a good source of calcium, boosts your metabolism and strengthens your lungs and liver. In addition, men, women and children will benefit in terms of getting smooth skin. However, its benefits extend to digestion too as Birds Nest Soup is rich in enzymes, one of the key ingredients to relieving indigestion.
With the enzymes you will be able to digest food easily. As digestion is improved it also speeds up metabolism and can be used as a supplement for other food. Children in particular will benefit from Birds Nest Soup as it is full of nutrients and minerals that will supplement their diet.
If you or your child is on less than a healthy diet, you can use Birds Nest Soup to make up for whatever nutrients your body lacks. For centuries, Birds Nest Soup has been used to treat a wide range of ailments and diseases throughout China. It is best known for its anti-aging properties, but it is also known as an anti-cancer treatment.
There is a growing evidence that Birds Nest Soup has properties that can be used for treating influenza, cough, cold, increase physical strength, and many more.
For the best results, Birds Nest Soup should be consumed on an empty stomach, as consuming it before any heavy meals makes it easier for your body to take advantage of the nutrients.

Why Chinese Eat Birds Nest Soup and you probably should too!

The Hidden Facts & Nutritions

Birds Nest Soup is one of the most popular delicacies among the Chinese communities due to its valuable nutritional components and health-promoting effects. Most of the people in the Southeast Asia region consume Birds Nest Soup as a delicious and nutritious food.
Nature has gifted the Birds Nest Soup with high value nutritional components. The findings regarding the ingredients of Birds Nest Soup, some called it as the Chinese Birds Nest Soup, fully justify it as a prized delicacy and effective medicine according to Chinese community.
Why Chinese Eat Birds Nest Soup and you probably should too!
Why Chinese Eat Birds Nest Soup and you probably should too!

Total Composition of Birds Nest Soup (in percent proximate analysis)

Moisture (7.5 – 12.9)
Ash (2.1 – 7.3)
Fat (0.14 – 1.28)
Proteins (42 – 63)
Carbohydrates (10.63 – 27.26)
Total Nitrogen (25.62 – 27.26)

Amino Acid Composition of Birds Nest Soup (in Molar percent)

Aspartic acid + asparagine (2.8 – 10.0)
Threonine (2.7 – 5.3)
Serine (2.8 – 15.9)
Glutamic acid + glutamine (2.9 – 7.0)
Glycine (1.2 – 5.9)
Alanine (0.6 – 4.7)
Valine (1.9 – 11.1)
Methionine (0 – 0.8)
Isoleucine (1.2 – 10.7)
Leucine (2.6 – 3.8)
Tyrosine (2.0 – 10.1)
Phenylalanine (1.8 – 6.8)
Lysine (1.4 – 3.5)
Histidine (1.0 – 3.3)
Arginine (1.4 – 6.1)
Tryptophan (0.02 – 0.08)
Cysteine (2.44)
Proline (2.0 – 3.5)

Fatty Acid (% analysis) / Triacyl Glycerol (% analysis) and Vitamin (mg/100gr) Composition of Birds Nest Soup

Palmitric C16:0 (23-26)
Steric C18:0 (26-29)
Linoleic C18:1 (22)
Linolenic C18:2 (26)
PPO (14-16)
OOL (13-15)
PLn Ln (18-19)
Monoglycerides (27-31)
Diglycerides (21-26)
Vitamin A (0.0771 – 0.912)
Vitamin D (0.15 – 3.19)
Vitamin C (0.12 – 29.30)

Mineral composition of Birds Nest Soup (measured in ppm)

Sodium (330-20,554)
Potassium (110-2645)
Calcium (798-14,850)
Magnesium (330-2980)
Phosphorus (40-1080)
Iron (30-1860)
Sulphur (6244-8840)
Manganese (3.58-122.10)
Zinc (19.95-72.40)
Copper (4.68-110.65)
Molybdenum (0-0.94)
Cobalt (0-0.63)
Nickel (0-0.47)
Vanadium (0.03-2.84)
Chromium (0-7.45)
Regular consumption of Birds Nest Soup as a tonic helps high-spirited physical and mental strength in addition to youthfulness restoration. Besides, it improves skin complexion and slowing down the aging process.
Proteins form a considerable fraction of the composition of Birds Nest Soup. These help in the building and repair of body cells and tissues, and driving other metabolic functions. Carbohydrates form another major portion of the composition of Birds Nest Soup with sialic acid as one of the major carbohydrates. Sialic acid has been known for mediating the distribution and structure of gagliosides in brain. Exogenous supplies of sialic acid enhance the neurological and intellectual processes in infants. Thus, sialic acid in Birds Nest Soup enhances the intellectual and mental development, however, its nutritional and biological mechanisms in human body are not fully known yet.
Essential trace elements such as phosphorus, calcium, sodium, iron, potassium, iodine, and essential amino acids are some main and major ingredients in Birds Nest Soup. In response to these facts, Birds Nest Soup acts as a highly nutritive and restorative food with sweet and calm character, and can be consumed by all age groups of all genders.
The frequent consumption of Birds Nest Soup by ladies makes their complexion fairer, and gives them radiant look. Additionally, during the periods of pregnancy in women, consuming Birds Nest Soup help to improve immunity of fetus and helps in easy recovery from debilitation after child birth.
The health effects of Birds Nest Soup in elderly people include strengthening of lungs and kidneys, phlegm clearance, fortifying of spleen and enhancing appetite. Birds Nest Soup helps to boost immunity in children. It is quite noteworthy that Birds Nest Soup extracts contain anti-common flu properties and, therefore, Birds Nest Soup may be regarded as a safe and natural source of proteins for the prevention of influenza.
Overall, Birds Nest Soup is a complete food enriched with a diverse pool of proteins, lipids, amino acids, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins. This food either as Birds Nest Soup or in the form of beverages has got exciting health value as well as nutritional benefits. Chinese people have known about the secrets of Birds Nest Soup many years ago, would you give it a try? Feel free to write your comments below.

Birds Nest Soup Cleaning Process

Birds Nest Soups collection is followed by cleaning processes. Nest cleaning is a very important and time-consuming process. A great deal of care is taken during the cleaning of nests. Nest cleaning is usually performed by means of the conventional cleaning process described below.
Conventional Cleaning Process
Generally, the harvested Birds Nest Soup consist of impurities like sand, feathers, egg shells, etc. The conventional cleaning process involves the immersion of nests in water and allowing them to swell. This enables an easy separation of the large feathers from the nest matrix by using forceps. However, care must be taken regarding the elution of the water soluble nutrients in Birds Nest Soup.
For the removal of the remaining small feathers, sometimes vegetable oil is used to float the feathers. However, addition of some bleaching agents like hydrogen peroxide to bleach the Birds Nest Soup has been carried out by some producers.
Use of hydrogen peroxide reduces the labour cost considerably, as the process is fast. The main drawback with using hydrogen peroxide is that it decolourises the black feathers (impurity) in addition to bleaching the nest colour to white. Therefore, the nests will appear clean but in reality some feathers still remain in the nest.
The hydrogen peroxide treated nests are claimed as safe and of food grade quality but, no producer has ever tried to assess the hydrogen peroxide content in nests after their processing. There are no clear guide lines in any country for the control of the tolerance limit of hydrogen peroxide content. Thus, the conventional method of nest cleaning suffers over health concerns. Hydrogen peroxide is a strong oxidant and harmful to the human body. Therefore, in order to avoid the hydrogen peroxide processed nests, it would be better for consumers to choose nest cups rather than nest cakes.
Birds Nest Soup Cleaning Process
Birds Nest Soup Cleaning Process
After cleaning process, the separated strands of Birds Nest Soup and broken filaments are arranged to make nest cake by molding. The shape of the mold could be in leaf shape, round or square, and it depends on the producer’s preference. This is followed by drying of the nests. The drying involves the use of fan or the nests are simply air dried. Many workers do not have adequate hygienic food processing knowledge, hence, they do not dry the nests quickly. This gives enough time to bacteria and fungi to grow prolifertate on the nests. Even the colour of some nests turn brownish or yellowish, and yet, the sellers call it the natural colour of the nests.
From the above discussion of the conventional cleaning methods and practices involved in the Birds Nest Soup cleaning industry, it can be seen that the conventional cleaning process of Birds Nest Soup has the following drawbacks.
  • The use of bleaching agent, which may be harmful of even destroy some essential nutrients within the treated Birds Nest Soup.
  • Additives degrade the nutritive and medicinal values of Birds Nest Soup.
  • Preservatives also degrade the quality of Birds Nest Soup as a food and medicine.
  • No care is taken of the preservation of nutrients during the treatment processes.
  • Generally, tap water is used.
  • The process uses the services of untrained workers.
  • Little or no regard is given to hygienic practices
  • Nest cakes are produced.
  • Generally, there is no quality control protocol being followed.
Improvement in the Cleaning Processes
Generally, premium grade and quality raw Birds Nest Soups are chosen from controlled. environment to avoid the presence of any heavy metals or other biological contaminants.
Skilled and well trained workers under the supervision of an expert are allowed to separate the feathers and dirt. High grade reverse osmosis water is used to ensure the cleanliness, and preserve the natural flavour and nutrients of the nest.
Processed Birds Nest Soups are dried in oven (no fan drying) until the right moisture content is achieved. Besides, implementation of the stringent quality control protocols for the end products will allow better grade of Birds Nest Soup.
With the advancement of knowledge in the food processing technology, some of the requirements which are stated below should be implement in the Birds Nest Soup cleaning industry. This will surely allow a better and healthy growth for the industry and increase the quality of the nests, since the public become more concerned we aware of the food they consume.
  • Use of bleaching agent should not be encouraged
  • Additives should be avoided.
  • No preservatives should be used.
  • Care should be taken of the preservation of nutrients.
  • Reverse Osmosis water should be used for the cleaning processes.
  • Highly skilled workers should be involved with the cleaning processes
  • Hygienic practices should be encouraged.
  • Whole nest cups should be developed.
  • Quality Control is a must.

House Farming of Birds Nest Soup

House Farming of Birds Nest Soup
House Farming of Birds Nest Soup

Due to the high economic value of Birds Nest Soup, Birds Nest Soup are being reared extensively in man- made houses in Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand to increase the production of Birds Nest Soup. In recent years, the price of Birds Nest Soup increased drastically due to high consumer demand. This has led to Birds Nest Soup producers and the Malaysian government to’ make efforts for increasing the production of Birds Nest Soup through conservation and house farming. In several areas, the conservation of resources has been aided by the domestication of swiftlet species in bird houses.
House farming of Birds Nest Soup in Indonesia began in the 18005, and the industry has considerably developed since then. Birds Nest Soup is cultivated by cross fostering, where the eggs of the white bellied Birds Nest Soup are replaced with the eggs of Birds Nest Soup, thus establishing a new population of Birds Nest Soup. While populations of the cave Birds Nest Soup swiflets have been declining due to over exploitation of their nests, rapidly growing house farming of the Birds Nest Soup has given them a sigh of relief.

The Government of Malaysia under the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI, formerly known as Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment) together with the Wild Life Department of Malaysia (PERHILITAN) have recently begun encouraging the general public to venture into the very lucrative Birds Nest Soup industry.
Over the years, a lot of conservation workshops and laws have been implemented in Birds Nest Soup producing countries to raise the production of Birds Nest Soup. However, the research on the house-collected Birds Nest Soup is scarce as the previously researched samples have been mostly obtained from the caves in Indonesia.

Bird Premise or Birds Nest Soup Ranching

The most interesting thing about these Birds Nest Soup are their nests. They construct nests with glutinous strands of starch-like saliva produced by a pair of large, salivary glands and thereafter mate and breed their young ones.
It is the nest material that gives them an upper hand over the rest of the Birds Nest Soup in the world. The nest looks like a cupped hand or a crescent shaped bowl about 3-5 inches in diameter. The flat side is stuck to a wall (a cave wall in wild nest, or a wooden base in cultivated/house nest) and other side of the nest is a place for them to perch, and within the hollow of the nest are either their eggs or their chicks.

The Birds Nest Soup industry is a multi-million dollar enterprise from production, sorting, and cleaning to domestic and international trade. According to a survey in December 2001, approximately 1000 buildings/houses cultivating Birds Nest Soup in Malaysia were reported. The houses produced not less than 10 tons per year (cultivated white Birds Nest Soup/house nest) while the world demand is 200 tons per year. The demand is still growing but the supply is only able to fulfill half of the demand, which kept the price ever increasing.
Basically, a bird house is a building with artificially created conditions similar to a swiftlet dwelling cave. It is able to attract Birds Nest Soup so that they live and breed in it.
In designing a bird house, care should be taken of physical and behavioral needs of birds, human treatment and animal management, human safety, and government rules and regulations.

Physical and Behavioral Needs of Birds

Most of the bird farmers concentrate only on the bird house construction for attracting birds into the houses. This is by far the most important factor in controlling or affecting the bird population in the house. However, it would be better to give consideration to other factors as well prior to the selection of the bird house location. These factors include the swiftlet’s flight path, its population at the specific area, nearest source for food and water and environment assets.
The most important factor is whether the selected area has the particular specie of birds as part of ecosystem. If the area has any of the birds flying through, it would be good. However, if the selected area is quite far away from the bird’s habitat area, it may not be a good choice. Furthermore, the birds can be attracted to the bird house by using a special bird recording sound.
After a particular area is selected, surrounding factors also need a serious consideration. It is also important to find out if the environmental factors in the area under consideration are not supporting. If there is any factory or industry producing heavy toxic materials, smoke or even noise, it is better to avoid that area. Besides, it is quite beneficial to have the presence of supporting factors such as river, pond, forest reserve and open field nearby the selected area.

Human Treatment and Animal Management

Once the selection of the location is made, it is important to plan a bird house or convert a shop house into bird farming premises (bird house). At this stage, human treatment and animal management concerns are very crucial.
The information on building bird houses can be obtained through farming magazines, newspaper advertisements or bird farming association. Expert services are available which can provide guidance in building or converting the shop lot into bird house.
The expert credentials are being emphasized when the potential clients are shown a previously constructed successful bird house producing adequate amount of nests. However, most of the experts’ advice on account of their experiences without concrete finding, studies or research. The behavior of birds is scarcely studied as there are only a few publications on the bird’s behavior.
There are no records on how many birds were to return their house if they were to hatch. Also no data are available on how many times these birds fly back to their nest daily. Besides, the factor of importance is the bird’s willingness to stay back into the origin house or chose a new house for their nest building. However, people have been successfully attracting birds into a house and harvesting Birds Nest Soup.
Human beings must always treat birds as their companions without staying too close to them. Birds must be given privacy, secured environment and enough comfort to nest their next generation. Environmental guidelines should be followed while applying pesticides and treating the waste of birds. Besides, a great deal of efforts is often required in maintaining the integrity of the nests.
One of the most serious risks associated with bird’s life in the bird house is the theft of their nests. The thief breaks into the bird house and harvest the nests on behalf of the owners. It is a very cruel and off human act to steal nests from the house, as the thief never considers the life of the chicks and eggs in the nest and just drops them on the floor, making this helpless creature to die slowly and with a great deal of torture. Therefore, the bird house owners must consider the security structure and system to secure their wealth and also their wealth creating partners, the Birds Nest Soup.

Human Safety and Government Rules and Regulation

There has never been so much emphasis on human safety during nest cultivation. This has totally been a neglected fact in the pursuit for maximum profit. Although surveillance test conducted by the Department of Veterinary Services from the year 2000 have shown negative results for Newcastle Disease, Avian Influenza or Bird Flu H5N1, there is still risk of getting this viruses.
There is a misconception that these birds do not share the same water source with other birds or animals. In reality, they take water from ponds and rivers by flying low on the water surface and occasionally scoping up a sip of liquid. This is particularly true during hot weather and after a long draught. Therefore, it would be wise to take precautions while making entry and exit from the bird house by putting up safety devices to ensure such viruses and other pesticide do not enter or exit from the bird house. There should be contingency plans in the event of an outbreak to segregate people from the birds. However, till now, there is yet to find any example of this setup in any of the bird houses in Malaysia, Thailand, or Indonesia or anywhere else in the world.
The Malaysian government has not given any clear guidelines as to the setting-up of bird houses in Malaysia. Therefore, commercial shop houses have been converted into bird houses with people running restaurants downstairs. Some of the bird house have residents who live there to safeguard their asset. The establishment of bird houses in a residential area might have associated health risks. There are no guidelines and regulations available whether or not bird farming can be done in housing are or in the middle of the town centre. Care needs to be taken of the children who are sick and coughing when such premises are built around your area. However, the only guideline published by one of the government agencies has discussed noise pollution and the ugly structure leaving the township, an eyesore.
Birds Nest Soup Eco Park by Bio Research Centre is the one particular development where specific areas and premises were selected to build and farm Birds Nest Soup. It is the first and the only one in Malaysia which the government has approved so far. This is an opportunity for all the potential bird farmers to buy one of these premises and start cultivating Birds Nest Soups without worrying about the rules and regulations and other annoying factors.

Economic Factors of a Bird House

To go into the nest business, choose a good location, build a house, install all necessary facilities to attract birds and start harvesting. All these processes need an investment ranging from RM 300,000-RM 500,000 depending on the location and size of the building. This investment will generate a good and progressive income over the years, while the owner maintains his full time job. This business can be done by everyone. Suppose by having a harvest of 110 to 130 nests that make up to l kg of the market price of RM 4,000-RM 6,000 every month after one or two years. The investment will increase by 30 to 100% where most of the cases are. That is why this is the business of what everyone is talking about.
The funny part in the whole business is how to grade a raw Birds Nest Soup. Normally, all the bird farmers sell to a middle man by evaluation through experience and making further negotiations on the price. They evaluate the size, color, impurity (bird’s feather) and shape (strait or angle), but have little concern on moisture, integrity, pesticide or heavy metal content. This is extremely unacceptable as Birds Nest Soup is considered as a tonic and most of the time it is consumed by elderly, youth and expecting mothers.

Future Development of a Bird House

Future development of bird houses depends upon the government moves. It is certain that this industry will not stop here. It is expected to continue its growth due to the lucrative returns. However, more stringent rules and regulations must be installed to reduce or nullify the degree of hazards brought about by this industry. Also, adding a system of taxation into this multi-million industry will be a positive move. The newly licensed bird houses will be in great demand due to two reasons. One of the reasons is that the shop houses converted into bird houses are off welcoming by the public, and the other is the stress of the fear that government may start demolishing the previously established shop houses sometime in the future.

7 Benefits Of Eating Birds Nest Soup (Infographic)

Why would anyone eat Birds Nest Soup? Here is an interesting infographic about the 7 benefits of eating Birds Nest Soup.
7 Benefits Of Eating Birds Nest Soup (Infographic)
7 Benefits Of Eating Birds Nest Soup (Infographic)

House Farming of Birds Nest Soup

Due to the high economic value of Birds Nest Soup, Birds Nest Soup are being reared extensively in man- made houses in Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand to increase the production of Birds Nest Soup. In recent years, the price of Birds Nest Soup increased drastically due to high consumer demand. This has led to Birds Nest Soup producers and the Malaysian government to’ make efforts for increasing the production of Birds Nest Soup through conservation and house farming. In several areas, the conservation of resources has been aided by the domestication of swiftlet species in bird houses.
House farming of Birds Nest Soup in Indonesia began in the 18005, and the industry has considerably developed since then. Birds Nest Soup is cultivated by cross fostering, where the eggs of the white bellied Birds Nest Soup are replaced with the eggs of Birds Nest Soup, thus establishing a new population of Birds Nest Soup. While populations of the cave Birds Nest Soup swiflets have been declining due to over exploitation of their nests, rapidly growing house farming of the Birds Nest Soup has given them a sigh of relief.
The Government of Malaysia under the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI, formerly known as Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment) together with the Wild Life Department of Malaysia (PERHILITAN) have recently begun encouraging the general public to venture into the very lucrative Birds Nest Soup industry.
Over the years, a lot of conservation workshops and laws have been implemented in Birds Nest Soup producing countries to raise the production of Birds Nest Soup. However, the research on the house-collected Birds Nest Soup is scarce as the previously researched samples have been mostly obtained from the caves in Indonesia.

Bird Premise or Birds Nest Soup Ranching

The most interesting thing about these Birds Nest Soup are their nests. They construct nests with glutinous strands of starch-like saliva produced by a pair of large, salivary glands and thereafter mate and breed their young ones.
It is the nest material that gives them an upper hand over the rest of the Birds Nest Soup in the world. The nest looks like a cupped hand or a crescent shaped bowl about 3-5 inches in diameter. The flat side is stuck to a wall (a cave wall in wild nest, or a wooden base in cultivated/house nest) and other side of the nest is a place for them to perch, and within the hollow of the nest are either their eggs or their chicks.
The Birds Nest Soup industry is a multi-million dollar enterprise from production, sorting, and cleaning to domestic and international trade. According to a survey in December 2001, approximately 1000 buildings/houses cultivating Birds Nest Soup in Malaysia were reported. The houses produced not less than 10 tons per year (cultivated white Birds Nest Soup/house nest) while the world demand is 200 tons per year. The demand is still growing but the supply is only able to fulfill half of the demand, which kept the price ever increasing.
Basically, a bird house is a building with artificially created conditions similar to a swiftlet dwelling cave. It is able to attract Birds Nest Soup so that they live and breed in it.
In designing a bird house, care should be taken of physical and behavioral needs of birds, human treatment and animal management, human safety, and government rules and regulations.

Physical and Behavioral Needs of Birds

Most of the bird farmers concentrate only on the bird house construction for attracting birds into the houses. This is by far the most important factor in controlling or affecting the bird population in the house. However, it would be better to give consideration to other factors as well prior to the selection of the bird house location. These factors include the swiftlet’s flight path, its population at the specific area, nearest source for food and water and environment assets.
The most important factor is whether the selected area has the particular specie of birds as part of ecosystem. If the area has any of the birds flying through, it would be good. However, if the selected area is quite far away from the bird’s habitat area, it may not be a good choice. Furthermore, the birds can be attracted to the bird house by using a special bird recording sound.
After a particular area is selected, surrounding factors also need a serious consideration. It is also important to find out if the environmental factors in the area under consideration are not supporting. If there is any factory or industry producing heavy toxic materials, smoke or even noise, it is better to avoid that area. Besides, it is quite beneficial to have the presence of supporting factors such as river, pond, forest reserve and open field nearby the selected area.

Human Treatment and Animal Management

Once the selection of the location is made, it is important to plan a bird house or convert a shop house into bird farming premises (bird house). At this stage, human treatment and animal management concerns are very crucial.
The information on building bird houses can be obtained through farming magazines, newspaper advertisements or bird farming association. Expert services are available which can provide guidance in building or converting the shop lot into bird house.
The expert credentials are being emphasized when the potential clients are shown a previously constructed successful bird house producing adequate amount of nests. However, most of the experts’ advice on account of their experiences without concrete finding, studies or research. The behavior of birds is scarcely studied as there are only a few publications on the bird’s behavior.
There are no records on how many birds were to return their house if they were to hatch. Also no data are available on how many times these birds fly back to their nest daily. Besides, the factor of importance is the bird’s willingness to stay back into the origin house or chose a new house for their nest building. However, people have been successfully attracting birds into a house and harvesting Birds Nest Soup.
Human beings must always treat birds as their companions without staying too close to them. Birds must be given privacy, secured environment and enough comfort to nest their next generation. Environmental guidelines should be followed while applying pesticides and treating the waste of birds. Besides, a great deal of efforts is often required in maintaining the integrity of the nests.
One of the most serious risks associated with bird’s life in the bird house is the theft of their nests. The thief breaks into the bird house and harvest the nests on behalf of the owners. It is a very cruel and off human act to steal nests from the house, as the thief never considers the life of the chicks and eggs in the nest and just drops them on the floor, making this helpless creature to die slowly and with a great deal of torture. Therefore, the bird house owners must consider the security structure and system to secure their wealth and also their wealth creating partners, the Birds Nest Soup.

Human Safety and Government Rules and Regulation

There has never been so much emphasis on human safety during nest cultivation. This has totally been a neglected fact in the pursuit for maximum profit. Although surveillance test conducted by the Department of Veterinary Services from the year 2000 have shown negative results for Newcastle Disease, Avian Influenza or Bird Flu H5N1, there is still risk of getting this viruses.
There is a misconception that these birds do not share the same water source with other birds or animals. In reality, they take water from ponds and rivers by flying low on the water surface and occasionally scoping up a sip of liquid. This is particularly true during hot weather and after a long draught. Therefore, it would be wise to take precautions while making entry and exit from the bird house by putting up safety devices to ensure such viruses and other pesticide do not enter or exit from the bird house. There should be contingency plans in the event of an outbreak to segregate people from the birds. However, till now, there is yet to find any example of this setup in any of the bird houses in Malaysia, Thailand, or Indonesia or anywhere else in the world.
The Malaysian government has not given any clear guidelines as to the setting-up of bird houses in Malaysia. Therefore, commercial shop houses have been converted into bird houses with people running restaurants downstairs. Some of the bird house have residents who live there to safeguard their asset. The establishment of bird houses in a residential area might have associated health risks. There are no guidelines and regulations available whether or not bird farming can be done in housing are or in the middle of the town centre. Care needs to be taken of the children who are sick and coughing when such premises are built around your area. However, the only guideline published by one of the government agencies has discussed noise pollution and the ugly structure leaving the township, an eyesore.
Birds Nest Soup Eco Park by Bio Research Centre is the one particular development where specific areas and premises were selected to build and farm Birds Nest Soup. It is the first and the only one in Malaysia which the government has approved so far. This is an opportunity for all the potential bird farmers to buy one of these premises and start cultivating Birds Nest Soups without worrying about the rules and regulations and other annoying factors.

Economic Factors of a Bird House

To go into the nest business, choose a good location, build a house, install all necessary facilities to attract birds and start harvesting. All these processes need an investment ranging from RM 300,000-RM 500,000 depending on the location and size of the building. This investment will generate a good and progressive income over the years, while the owner maintains his full time job. This business can be done by everyone. Suppose by having a harvest of 110 to 130 nests that make up to l kg of the market price of RM 4,000-RM 6,000 every month after one or two years. The investment will increase by 30 to 100% where most of the cases are. That is why this is the business of what everyone is talking about.
The funny part in the whole business is how to grade a raw Birds Nest Soup. Normally, all the bird farmers sell to a middle man by evaluation through experience and making further negotiations on the price. They evaluate the size, color, impurity (bird’s feather) and shape (strait or angle), but have little concern on moisture, integrity, pesticide or heavy metal content. This is extremely unacceptable as Birds Nest Soup is considered as a tonic and most of the time it is consumed by elderly, youth and expecting mothers.

Future Development of a Bird House

Future development of bird houses depends upon the government moves. It is certain that this industry will not stop here. It is expected to continue its growth due to the lucrative returns. However, more stringent rules and regulations must be installed to reduce or nullify the degree of hazards brought about by this industry. Also, adding a system of taxation into this multi-million industry will be a positive move. The newly licensed bird houses will be in great demand due to two reasons. One of the reasons is that the shop houses converted into bird houses are off welcoming by the public, and the other is the stress of the fear that government may start demolishing the previously established shop houses sometime in the future.